FAAM中国获意大利金熊猫百折不挠奖FAAM China won the Panda doro Resilience Award
新闻 2023.06.13

·FAAM | Panda d'Oro Gala Awards ·



Congratulations to FAAM China for winning the 12th Italian Panda d’Oro Gala Awards- 'Resilience ' Award!

背景 Background


Established in 2010, Panda d’Oro Gala awards is the highest award recognized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) to those Companies, Members of CICC, and Friends of CICC, whose business strategies have seized opportunities and achieved remarkable results during the previous year, strengthening the development of business relationships between Italy and China.

FAAM 获奖瞬间

FAAM Winning moment


"Resilience" Award-The Italian company which greatly detained stability and success despite the turbulence of the business environment.


更多精彩瞬间 More wonderful moments

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